The laws of identity (2005) are a set of fundamental principles for building identity systems, and successful protocols like OpenID Connect were designed taking account of it. They are also closely related to the OECD Privacy Principles (1980), which led to privacy regulations in OECD countries, including GDPR and the ISO/IEC 29100 Privacy framework on the standardization side. While the Laws of Identity are pretty old, they are becoming increasingly relevant as we approach the era of ubiquitous identity. In this workshop, we cover the following topics and explore what we should expect in forthcoming multi-device, multi-verse environments. The significance of the Laws of Identity (2005), including a list of requirements for any identity system; the OECD Privacy Principles (1980) and the ISO/IEC 29100 Privacy Principles (2011); mapping the Laws of identity to the ISO/IEC 29100 privacy principles (2011), to OpenID Connect, and to DID/VCl; information asymmetry and the fallacy of self-determination; the era of ubiquitous identity; Multi-device, Multi-location, Multi-verse; and The Laws of Identity in the era of ubiquitous identity.