Session Abstract: The open banking movement worldwide is now well over 5 years old. It has undoubtedly changed the world—exceeding expectations in some areas and, though many are reluctant to say it, fallen short in others. People around the world who have never heard the term "open banking" are finding that it has enabled new and better ways to go about their lives, some of which no one had predicted.
The presenters have worked on pretty much every aspect of open banking and will share a lighthearted retrospective on usage in different countries, attempting to answer the following questions:
What use cases have been implemented and which use cases have succeeded in different countries?
What were the expectations from government, users, and fintech? And what is the reality?
What are the killer use cases driving open banking adoption? What are the unexpected use cases and what are the future use cases we should be excited about?
What should be done differently as open banking expands to more countries and to other "open" ecosystems?