All the signs are pointing towards a massive ramp up of identity and global data networks with the “wallet” emerging as a new citizen and customer channel, replacing apps and enabling more connected digital services. According to recent Liminal reports, the global market size for reusable identity will reach $266.5B by 2027. Governments around the globe are taking practical steps and making significant investments towards digital identity infrastructure. Alongside these government initiatives standards bodies and working groups have been pursuing interoperability. Given the European commitment to a reusable identity for citizens and residents alongside the maturing of standards and pending eIDAS clarity, what else needs to be in place to make trusted digital networks a reality? Will this new channel be won by the major operating systems from Google and Apple, building on familiar user experience? Or will important initiatives such as the Open Wallet Foundation and the vision for a digitally connected European Union create the benchmarks for interoperable and scalable services. This keynote will explore these questions along with how we make the most of the next few years to ensure scalability and interoperability can be achieved.