Higher Education has always been at the forefront of identity deployments though these have typically revolved around a student’s time with the University. Learners are now expecting a seamless and secure journey whilst retaining their association with the institution. An individual’s journey with the University starts at the prospectus stage when you’re looking at where and what to study. Institutions start to provide access early on such as taster content or Open Days, it’s at this point where we start to build the relationship with the individual. When they apply to study we need to verify their identity. Once the individual has accepted the offer 1-2 years may pass (especially if they take a gap year!) before enrolment. Once the student has graduated, they want to maintain the connection with the University to prove their academic qualifications, retain access to some services, return to study for further or become staff. In this session we’ll show how modern identity techniques such as identity proofing can reduce the friction in onboarding, Verifiable Credentials supports a long-term relationship, Continual Authorization and passwordless can give secure seamless user experience whilst supplementing existing technologies like IGA to support a seamless and secure identity for life!