A dog on the internet will soon have nowhere to hide! Identity proofing technologies are advancing apace, and provide increasingly convenient and reliable mechanisms for organisations to meet their regulatory obligations. Proof of age, right to work, professional certification... there are plenty of very valid reasons to verify certain elements of our identity. But there are some downsides. Unnecessary verification or overly intrusive processes impede the user journey; often causing a customer to abandon, or to seek an alternative provider. Over-verification is also a leading cause of excessive personal data retention. In the end, over-adoption of verification and proofing could put even necessary deployments at risk of circumvention or under-engagement. Join Steve Wilson and Andi Hindle on an unapologetic journey through the best and the worst examples of identity proofing. Double check the problem we're trying to solve in identification, and discover when — and how — to consider pushing back on the adoption of this technology. There are times when it’s still OK for no-one to know you’re a dog!