The pandemic gives, and the pandemic takes away: in the space of 5 short years, MFA has gone from being a rarity to being the pervasive, first-choice authentication practice for both businesses and consumers. MFA may indeed have saved the day when we needed better, stronger access for remote workers, but MFA has now become a prime target.
Our adversaries are focusing intently on:
— Novel MFA vulnerabilities like SIM-swapping, real-time phishing and channel hijacking
— New exploits like the 2022 “MFA fatigue” attack Lapsus$ used to breach Uber
— AI-based attacks that mimic legitimate user behavior and generate convincing authentication requests
These attacks have taken a toll on MFA systems and administrators alike. In this Tech Session, learn how to assess the state of your MFA projects, how to fortify them, and how to shore them up against the new wave of attacks that are happening as we speak.